
Born into a town within close reach of the beach, (Ocean Grove, Victoria), at the young age of thirteen an overwhelming interest of wave-forms, power of swells, its moods and uniqueness became a part of my life. It all started by tagging along with my older brother (as younger siblings do) when he went for surfs and I would stay on land and shoot photos. This progressed into buying a water housing and having a camera in hand at any chance I could get. My connection with the ocean has led me to meet and become close mates with people that share the same love for chasing swells.

The constant looking at wind, tide, swell and light forecasts is enough to make anyone mad. Yet, when it comes to the moment, it’s all worth it. Don’t get me wrong, I have definitely had a few hair-raising moments in the water. From fins breaching the surface, to diving deep down to escape the rogue unpredictability of the southern ocean, or being swept onto a rock shelf. But hey, that’s all apart of the fun.


Tracks Magazine - Issue 585

Rider: Sam Logan